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SHOW #119 - 4/16/17 - Alex Newman

Alex Newman: Understanding Economics - Where America is Now and Roads to Recovery

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/16/17

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Alex Newman

It's always a treat for me personally to have a chance to talk with Alex Newman, foreign correspondent for the New American Magazine ( and teacher at the Freedom Project Academy ( I first heard Alex Newman on one of his appearances as a guest on the Alex Jones Show ( and, which you know I consider the most important news source that still exists on our planet.

Great guests are constantly coming on Alex Jones' show, and Alex Newman is no exception. His passion for education is something I share, and Alex is a teacher of economics and history, both critical for us to understand in turning America back to the principles of individual freedoms that it was supposed to be built on. Interestingly both of these subjects have been almost eliminated in American government schools at this point, just when understanding them is most important to all of us. This show will be a chance for Alex to share whatever he feels is most important for us to know, and I will be sure to allow time for us to discuss solutions, and what each one of us can do to increase the chances of a positive outcome to this major drama unfolding on Earth right now, in which each one of us has an equally important role.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support the work of Lost Arts Research Institute, please donate to our efforts at, and tell others about the show.  Also, even if you don't have money available to donate to our work (and I don't want you to donate money you need for yourself or your family), we have a new way now for you to help us if you want to. When you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose "Lost Arts Research Institute" in Sedona, Arizona. It won't cost you anything, and it will help us keep going.

The Institute website is still being developed, and deals with the work and larger project of the Research Institute, which we hope those with sufficient resources will support with donations that are now 100% tax deductible. The Institute is the entity that will build and run the educational facility where principles of health and consciousness can be demonstrated and experienced.

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Thanks for being part of our family and we look forward to being with you on our next show. Feel free to communicate your comments and suggestions to me any time – I will read them all and respond as time permits.

Richard Sacks, Host

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