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Part One: Anti-Vaxxers' Crazy Conspiracy Theories: Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. and Ralph Fucetola, J.D.

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/26/19

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Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Dr. Rima Laibow

Vaccines have saved millions of lives and are perhaps the greatest advance in health science in the last 200 years. We should all be overwhelmed with gratitude for their discovery by the great ones of science. In fact, we should be so grateful that we should never look at their destructive effects, or the cases where they have spread disease or killed people who received them, especially children. No, really that's not good enough, we need to criminalize talking about any possible drawbacks of vaccines whatsoever. After all, questioning vaccines is, at its root, hate speech, and we all know hate speech is offensive and should be prohibited, backed up by the threat of heavy fines and prison time. It's the least we can do for our children, and our "democracy".

Ralph Fucetola, J.D.

Except for one important detail. America was founded on the idea that people everywhere are born with certain inalienable rights that come directly from God, and this applies no matter in what part of the world a person may live. These rights include freedom of speech about all subjects. But they also include informed consent, which was further confirmed in the Geneva Convention on Informed Consent following the Nuremburg Trials. Informed Consent means no one can perform any medical treatment on any of us without our complete understanding of what is being done, what may happen to us as a result, and unless we freely give our permission for it to be done to us, after knowing these things.

So, after fully understanding a proposed medical treatment, if you do not wish to have it done to you, no one is allowed to subject you to that treatment. That means compulsory vaccination laws in states such as California and New York are void and cannot legally be enforced. But there is more.

After vaccine companies and individuals administering vaccines were given immunity from liability that had arisen due to lawsuits by parents of injured children and from other vaccine victims, Congress also declared that HHS must direct FDA to perform certain tests yearly to prove that vaccines were becoming safer and that they would not harm those who took them. FDA ignored that mandate from 1987 through today. Ralph Fucetola, J.D. ( and Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. ( have a strategy of what to do to stop mandatory, unconstitutional vaccination in its tracks and save lives in the process. Yours could be one of the lives saved. Find out the details in this Sunday's show.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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Health Freedom Idaho Panel Discussion: Learn The Real Science Of Vaccination

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/19/19

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Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Miste Karlfeldt

Health Freedom Idaho founder Miste Karlfeldt ( was recently on Lost Arts Radio, as part of a panel discussing the dangers of the coming 5G system. We asked Miste to come back on the show to talk about another focus of Health Freedom Idaho, the subject of vaccination, with a panel of her choice. This Sunday that will happen. Miste brings with her Health Freedom Idaho consultant Ashley Everly (, who holds a degree in environmental toxicology and has been focused on vaccine research for the last 8 years, and Sarah Clendenon, who works with Health Freedom Idaho analyzing legislation that impacts health freedom.Ashley Everly

With the intensifying calls to eliminate all vaccine exemptions in many states around America and in other countries as well, there is a strong polarization between those who support and those who oppose forced vaccinations. Vaccines are called by many doctors, bureaucrats and scientists, the greatest medical discovery in the last 200 years. Some people who favor mandatory vaccinations agree, and go further, saying those who oppose forced vaccination are responsible for ruining herd immunity and putting lives at risk. On the other hand, many parents of vaccine-injured children point out that vaccines are not safe, they often do not prevent disease, and they have damaging side effects.Sarah Clendenon

What is the truth? Real science is supposed to question everything, including the latest findings on every subject, looking for errors and corrections to make, in what is believed to be true. As soon as we claim that the science on any subject is "settled," we are no longer talking about science. This Sunday's guests will discuss vaccines from a scientific point of view, looking for the truth. Any honest talk of vaccination pros and cons may soon be illegal on social media, or even major corporate television and print platforms. This is a good time to talk about a highly controversial topic with those in a position to speak intelligently on it, while they still can. You won't want to miss it.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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Mads Palsvig Runs For Parliament: When Good People Are Willing To Serve

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/12/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Mads Palsvig

At Lost Arts Radio, we're always on the lookout for inspiring people in positions of power in government or in corporations. People willing to take these positions, for the purpose of actually helping and serving all those who are affected by what their organizations do, could help heal the world. The inner work a person does to become more in line with inner guidance and Spirit can be brought right down to the physical level in this way, not only by those in office, but by every one of us in our daily lives. Who we are comes out in what we do, every thought, word, action and interaction is colored by who we have become in our inner work that we are doing all the time, hopefully consciously as we live our lives.Mads Palsvig speaking to a gathering of people

Mads Palsvig (for Americans, it's pronounced "mass palsvee") is a former investment banker who understands much of how the power structure works, and how those in it could help heal, instead of destroy, life on our planet. He is running to become a Member of Parliament (MP) in Denmark ( and Mads agreed to be on Lost Arts Radio's Sunday guest show this weekend, and I think you'll want to hear what he has to say.

While it is critically important to maintain the sovereignty of each one of our separate countries, it is equally essential we realize our basic unity as people everywhere. Everything one of us does affects all the others, regardless of physical "distance." We are in truth one family, this is not some nice-feeling imagination, it is true. At an even deeper level, we are forms of one Being, made of the Essene of unlimited Love, temporarily seeing itself through the prism of programmed Mind, which is where the conflict originates. But we have another potential, the opposite of the fear and conflict we have come to see as normal. It is not. Every time a person with some realization of what this means gets consciously into public service, it is a reminder to us of what things on our planet could be like. You are invited to meet Mads on this Sundays guest show. I'll see you there.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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Heather Scott and Scott Herndon - CPS Home "Visits:" What Are Your Rights?

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 5/5/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Heather Scott

Heather Scott ( has been a guest on Lost Arts Radio before. She is a Representative for the people in her district in northern Idaho, and amazingly is working in this capacity to truly serve the people of her state, protect their freedoms, keep government in its place as their servants, and honor her oath to protect and defend the Constitutions of the United States and her state of Idaho. Because Heather is focused on protecting individual freedoms, she is interested in the activities of agencies like Child Protective Services, operating under various names in different states of the U.S.

While CPS has had some history of actually protecting children from harm, they have become best known for kidnapping children from their homes when the parents made a choice in their best judgment not to accept chemotherapy for a child with cancer, or perhaps not to accept a vaccination known to carry the risk of great harm or death, or any of a number of other reasons including unacceptable styles of home-schooling, or even not feeling that the parents were keeping their home environment up to standards of CPS inspectors. There has been a lot of abuse by CPS, sometimes leading to injury or death (documented on many sites such as Many government agencies, including CPS, have morphed into mini-governments of their own, often mis-representing their authority and enforcing "policies" at gunpoint as de-facto laws.Scott Herndon

One of Heather Scott's constituents, Scott Herndon (, had a recent encounter with CPS, and called on Heather for support during the experience. Because Scott had taken the time to research relevant laws and had also made a point of establishing relationships with local law enforcement, he was able to successfully negotiate the "visits" from CPS and avoid damage to any of his children or having his own rights trampled, though the agency did their best to bully him into agreeing to things he knew were wrong. I think you will find Scott's story inspiring and a good reminder to become aware of the rights that you already have. Knowing how to use them could have a major effect on your life. If we don't know our rights, it's about the same effect as not having them.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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What's Going To Happen To Your Brain And Body With Wireless And 5G? Ken Rohla, Inventor, Teacher, And Engineer

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/28/19

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Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Ken Rohla

Last week, the discussion on microwave and EMF hazards, with our panel of four guests from Health Freedom Idaho ( led to the bottom line concern, what can each of us do to protect ourselves, our families and kids from this fast intensifying threat of biological harm. Our guests explained how EMF fields and pulsed microwave transmissions harm all living organisms, and what each guest was contributing to solutions. Many of our listeners have said we need to invite engineer, inventor and health teacher Ken Rohla ( back on the show to discuss the same issues. Ken has invented devices that help protect against the damage these fields and energies cause (right, that's damage, not "risk"), and I've had the opportunity to experience some of them in action and see how effective they really are.

Ken's work and his inventions clearly have what I call the "Government Seal of Approval," as our regular listeners have heard me explain on previous shows. I totally trust our government, in the sense that they rarely go after someone to shut down public knowledge of their work unless it is truly valuable. Ken is an incredibly informative guest who always shares practical information that we can use in everyday life, and I expect his appearance on this Sunday's show to be no exception.

5G and other microwave technologies are designed to be harmful to humans and other life forms, but for most of us that don't feel the damaging effects consciously, they are insidious and need our special attention, so we can do all we can to mitigate the damage to ourselves and others we care for. I think you'll find Ken's insights valuable in your efforts to learn how to do this.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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5G And Destructive Microwave Technologies - Understanding The Issue, And Possible Solutions

A panel discussion from Health Freedom Idaho.

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/21/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Health Freedom Idaho - Miste Karlfeldt, Cathy Cooke, Christie Hodge, Ryan McAnelly

Former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said the U.S. must lead the way in the coming 5G rollout, which has already started. This will generate a lot of economic activity (read, "profit for the telecom industry and its government agency partners"), and that's damn important. ( Apparently it's so important, that cities and towns are not supposed to entertain any objections to new or existing networks based on "health concerns." Is this because there are no concerns about negative health effects of 5G and wireless systems in general, or because the telecom industry is powerful enough to control the FCC? The answer to that question should be very clear to anyone that has been paying attention, but because most of the population apparently still trusts government and industry spokesmen, and therefore believes there could not possibly be any real danger to an approved project like 5G, or to the established wireless networks and devices, we decided to put together a special panel to honestly address the question.

This week we hear from four guests, each one of whom has enough important information and experience to fill several shows. Miste Karlfeldt, founder of Health Freedom Idaho (, has put the group together for this exclusive show. We will get the opportunity to meet and hear from Miste herself, Cathy Cooke (, holistic nutritionist and building biology environmental consultant, Christie Hodge, founder of Rural Eagle Against Cell Towers (, and Ryan McAnelly (, Certified EMF specialist. Living in the current unnatural environment that surrounds us, as technology is misused in ways that threaten our health and survival, the information and insight that people like these can provide is vital. Meet them this Sunday, and I think you'll appreciate what I mean.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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On The Trail Of The Nephilim - Author, Filmmaker, Explorer, L.A. Marzulli

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/14/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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L.A. Marzulli

L. A. Marzulli ( is an adventurer who is in some ways like a modern Indiana Jones. But where Indiana was searching for the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, L.A. is on the trail of the Nephilim. He wants to know where their descendants ended up in the world, and he is connecting the dots of the information he is able to find, to shed light on a wide variety of unexplained phenomena, from UFO's to sightings of unusual creatures in remote parts of the world, all in the context of missing historical information.

L.A. is the author of 12 books and many videos, including his newest series "On The Trail Of The Nephilim," Volumes 1 and 2 (on DVD). In those two volumes he talks about the coverup of real Nephilim information, and much more. He has lectured in national and international venues, on the Nephilim, as well as on UFO's and ancient prophetic texts. He produced a video series called "In Their Own Words: UFO's Are Real." Currently, L.A. and his team are creating a new video series on the Mysterious Mound Builders, who somehow created huge mounds of earth, that have stood for many hundreds of years or more, without erosion. So far, there is no evidence at the sites of who built the mounds, but the advanced geometry and even trigonometry evident in the structural design and the vast quantities of soil used to build the mounds show clearly that very advanced technology, including some way to oversee and check the construction from the air, had to have been used.

In this unusual opportunity to talk with L.A. about his work and where it's going next, we'll cover what his life was like before starting this quest, what led him to take it on, and what his current explorations are uncovering now. Meet world-famous author and explorer L.A. Marzulli up close and personal, in this special discussion of his life and work. I think you'll be glad you did.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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5G Critical Test Case In The UK: Mark Steele Fights For All Biological Life On Earth

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/7/19

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Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Mark Steele

Mark Steele, founder of Save Us Now (, has taken a stand on behalf of humanity, against 5G in the UK, and has begun a test case to see if a local government can be stopped from rolling out the 5G system over the legal argument his team is raising. He intends to set a precedent that can be built on all over England and in other parts of the world. Mark understands that 5G is nothing more nor less than a deadly weapon system. Its target is humanity and all biological life on our planet.

In the US, the federal and state governments have declared that, no matter what happens to people as a result of 5G, as long as its installation and operation complies with FCC regulations, which are totally misleading and based on corrupt non-science, then people who are harmed by this technology (in other words, all of us) are not allowed to complain based on health effects the system causes. Most people I have spoken with just accept this, and see nothing wrong with this picture, or they are totally oblivious to the nature 5G frequency and the technology that will produce it. They are not aware that there is any danger.

Service providers are telling their customers it is a safe and wonderful technological advance, and there is no danger as long as FCC approves it. In other words, the usual deadly nonsense from agencies that have sold out and become business partners with the industries they pretend to regulate.

If you are interested in what 5G really is, as well as what might actually be done to stop it from decimating all forms of biological life, you'll want to sit in with me on this discussion with Mark Steele. What he is doing is something you will want to know about, and perhaps directly support. It should be an incredible discussion, inspirational and educational for all of us.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

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Private Property Rights And Freedom - American Policy Center President Tom DeWeese

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/31/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is the Founder and President of American Policy Center (, one of the most important organizations in America today exposing the crimes being committed in the guise of saving the world. United Nations Agenda 21, as famously described by Rosa Koire, is a global program to inventory and control every item and living being on the planet, as part of a goal of consolidated world tyranny, meant to control every part of our lives ( Private property rights stand in the way of such programs, and an important part of APC's work is to educate us on why and how this works. Free market capitalism (not special deals between government and toxic corporations), including the freedom to acquire and own your own property, was supposed to be the operating system in America. It hasn't really been implemented yet, but it still could be.

Tom will be explaining how the "voluntary" programs of Agenda 21 are being implemented across America and worldwide, using sophisticated systems of bribery by government and NGO's to communities, trapping them into situations where they have no option but to comply, and in the end take away many of our freedoms to live as we choose, including how we use what is supposedly our own property. All kinds of important connected issues will come up in this discussion, from the role of central banks to the current allopathic medical tyranny. The important bottom line is, how can we, in our local communities, stop the "authorities" from gradually enslaving us and stealing what we have in the name of saving the Earth? Tom is the expert to answer this question. I think you will find his input of value.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

Archive of show

How To Use Herbs For Food and Medicine: Montana Organic Farmer Celeste Bishop Solum

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 3/24/19

Listen online:

Listen via phone: 657-383-1002

9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Celeste Bishop SolumCeleste Bishop Solum's organic farm is located in the Montana Rockies, one of the more challenging environments to grow food. Beautiful, but with often severe weather, this setting demands creativity in order to make year-round food growing work. Celeste has demonstrated the potential to grow clean and healthy food wherever you may live, and she has valuable tips to share, even with those who live in small apartments or any other type of home in cities, and in any climate zone. Celeste was on Lost Arts Radio in January, sharing these ideas (, and there was so much to talk about, she didn't get time to really get into one of her main areas of expertise, growing and using herbs.

This time we're going to devote the show mainly to the information on herbs, so there is plenty of time for Celeste to share what she knows. If you're interested in learning new ways to use herbs for food and medicine, from someone who lives what she teaches on the subject, this could be a valuable show for you. Besides great ideas of how you can grow much more of your own food in any environment, Celeste has stories to tell about her experience with animals on her farm, herbs she grows and uses for medicine and nutrition, her natural soap manufacturing business, classes she offers on her web site that you can take right from home (, and much more. I am honored to have Celeste on with us as a guest, demonstrating ways to bring beauty and harmony right into our everyday lives.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, when you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona.

In addition to the Sunday shows and livestreams that introduce you to inspiring people and projects (, we are also entering our second year with Planetary Healing Club ( PHC is a private, members-only platform, a supportive and interactive environment where I can speak with you freely about information that would be censored on the usual public platforms where most of our audio and video presentations are found. PHC is for you, when you're ready to really get deeply into special self-healing protocols and start transforming your life for the better. I'm there live to meet and talk with you every week. It's interactive, with live chat and plenty of time for Q&A, comments and any input you want to contribute. It's a rare opportunity for those ready to experience a radically better quality of life, and willing to do the work on themselves to make it happen. Learn more about it at

Finally, don't forget our news show on national and world events, for one hour every week at 7:30pm EST / 4:30pm PST, called Lost Arts Radio Live ( It's where we look at some events of the past week, and what the significance is for your life and for the future of our world. After "Lost Arts Radio Live" is a half-hour break, followed by our weekly meeting of the Planetary Healing Club, which you can join for a minimum donation of just $25/month at Meet me there when you're ready to transform your experience of life for the better.

Richard Sacks, Host

Archive of show

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Keto Kerri

Richard Gage 9-11

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Your donation to Lost Arts Research Institute will expand the work to spread real education in all aspects of health and consciousness, so we can all help to heal the world. We are grateful to you for joining us in this work. Lost Arts Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, and donations are 100% tax deductible.

Please email if you need a tax receipt for your donation.

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