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SHOW #122 - 4/30/17 - Al Whitney

Al Whitney: The Law and Informed Consent

Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 4/30/17

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9pm EST / 6pm PST

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Al Whitney

What great people we have been privileged to have on our show. Lately that has included many of the speakers from the Washington D.C. event called the Revolution 4 Truth, held March 31st of this year.  We know, from their presentations and from following current events, that the vaccine companies and their government business partners want to force vaccinate the entire population, children and adults, with hundreds of vaccines now being prepared.  If this happens, and it is already starting with children as the first victims, the future of the U.S. and the world will be damaged to a degree that is hard to imagine. So the issue at hand, once we wake up to what vaccines really are, that they have been a fraud since Jenner damaged people with the first ones (no adjuvants, by the way), that they destroy immune systems, damage the brain and all other organs, not just sometimes but every time they are given (our Dr. Andrew Moulden Interview:, is to find out how to stop forced vaccination and let the real character of vaccines be known to all. The lives of children, and of grownups too, are not a reasonable price to pay any more. We have brilliance inside every one of us, and we can understand this.

Enter Al Whitney (, who has investigated not just the real effects of vaccines, but the current situation with the "laws" that say kids, health workers and others must receive them. What Al discovered and has been brave enough to share, is that there is this forgotten issue of informed consent, that the authorities do want us to know about. So yes, that means it is a very high priority for us to understand. Any possible tools for us to use that could save lives and keep the needles and the poisons that flow through them out of our bodies, need to be seriously looked at by anyone who cares about their kids well being, and their own. True, it does take work to understand the deceptive intricacies of what the law has become, but since it's being used to harm us, it seems we must do the work and understand what is going on to perpetuate the deception that we have no choice. The opposite is true. We have not only choice but obligation to do all we can to protect those who depend on us for protection. We also have an obligation to take care of our own bodies and brains, if we want to stay in good enough shape to be of use to others. Al Whitney, because of her study and care, has become a valuable source of help in the education process that awaits us. And what she has to share applies to much more than just forced vaccination. Let's benefit from what she has learned. She'll be here on Lost Arts Radio Sunday evening to share it with us.

Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support the work of Lost Arts Research Institute, please donate to our efforts at, and tell others about the show.  Also, even if you don't have money available to donate to our work (and I don't want you to donate money you need for yourself or your family), we have a new way now for you to help us if you want to. When you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose "Lost Arts Research Institute" in Sedona, Arizona. It won't cost you anything, and it will help us keep going.

The Institute website is still being developed, and deals with the work and larger project of the Research Institute, which we hope those with sufficient resources will support with donations that are now 100% tax deductible. The Institute is the entity that will build and run the educational facility where principles of health and consciousness can be demonstrated and experienced.

On the radio show website ( you will find links to the radio show archives, articles/news, educational resources, announcements, the discussion forum, Doug's important news review, "The Diamond Report" (on the homepage under Hottest New Selections, in the tenth spot) and more. You can also sign up for our free newsletter to get information about upcoming shows and more.

Thanks for being part of our family and we look forward to being with you on our next show. Feel free to communicate your comments and suggestions to me any time – I will read them all and respond as time permits.

Richard Sacks, Host

Archive of show

Keto Kerri

Richard Gage 9-11

Please Donate To Lost Arts Research Institute

Your donation to Lost Arts Research Institute will expand the work to spread real education in all aspects of health and consciousness, so we can all help to heal the world. We are grateful to you for joining us in this work. Lost Arts Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, and donations are 100% tax deductible.

Please email if you need a tax receipt for your donation.

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