Jeff Berwick Explains: Anarchy Is Not What You Think
Lost Arts Radio Show on Sunday 7/1/18
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Some of you may know that I have been following the work of Jeff Berwick ( ( for many years. Jeff is someone I admire for many reasons, but he is best known for teaching people that anarchy is not what they have heard from the corporate media. When we hear of "anarchists," it is usually in a context of violence, bad people who hate the government, which is only there to serve and protect us. In reality, as Jeff explains, anarchy in its higher meaning is people voluntarily cooperating with each other, taking care of each other in a way that fosters each person's empowerment, living life in freedom and mutual respect, instead of under the control of authorities.
Last time I saw Jeff giving a talk, it was also obvious he had made some major upgrades in his own personal lifestyle. This got my attention, as it is a subject we talk about all the time on Lost Arts Radio and in the private meetings of Planetary Healing Club ( I was really hoping Jeff might come on the show and explain to us what he has been up to, what's going on with his projects now and what exciting events and guests he has coming up in the near future. Happily, he agreed to be with us, both on livestream (Facebook, our YouTube channels, Periscope, etc.) on Friday June 29th at 4pm EST / 1pm PST, and also re-airing on the Lost Arts Radio Sunday show July 1st. I hope you can enjoy this discussion with me, it's a special treat to have Jeff share his insights and plans with us on the show.
Join me, your host Richard Sacks, every week for fascinating discussions, amazing guests and useful information that you will not want to miss. If you want to support our work, please use the Donate button on our website,, and tell others about the show. Also, even if you don't have money available to donate (and I don't want you to donate money you need for yourself or your family), we have a new way now for you to help us if you want to. When you shop at Amazon for anything, instead of going to their usual website, go to You can do all the same shopping at exactly the same prices. But 1/2% of what you spend goes to help our work. It will ask you what IRS-approved non-profit you want to support, and just choose Lost Arts Research Institute in Arizona. It won't cost you anything, and it will help us keep going.
The Institute website ( is still being developed, and deals with the work and larger project of the Research Institute, which we hope those with sufficient resources will support with donations that are now 100% tax deductible. The Institute is the entity that will build and run the educational facility where principles of health and consciousness can be demonstrated and experienced.
On the radio show website ( you will find links to the radio show archives, our articles, educational resources, announcements, the Discussion Forum, and more. You can also sign-up for our free newsletter to get information about upcoming shows and more. There is also a Lost Arts Radio Facebook Group you are invited to join.
The Saturday live show, which allows listeners to call and participate and has been audio only up to now, changes to a new, full-video format in January 2018. For several important reasons, it will take the form of a private, members-only "club." This will allow me to say more on the air in response to personal questions and real individual situations you are experiencing, than on a show open to the public. The small membership dues for this club will help us keep operating, and will go to the non-profit Lost Arts Research Institute, to build our school as soon as possible.
The school will be an actual physical facility where what we talk about on Saturdays can be demonstrated and experienced. It will reach more people who need alternatives for health and life that work. It will serve people who are tired of making the same mistakes in food and lifestyle every day without understanding how to avoid the unnecessary pitfalls of "aging," low energy, sickness, depression, the usual things that go with a standard American diet and lifestyle.
To see how the new Saturday show is going to work, go to our website, at I hope you will join me on this new video platform. Your support will enable us to pay the costs of this more expensive broadcasting tool, and will give you private access to the meetings we will have there every week, sharing information that you can put to use in your life right away. One of my thoughts is to bring the benefits of private consulting appointments to club members at a fraction of the cost of private sessions. If you know anyone in a difficult health or life situation who might benefit from what we share, please let them know about the new private club format.
Thanks for being part of our family and we look forward to being with you on our next show. Feel free to communicate your comments and suggestions to me any time – I will read them all and respond as time permits.
Richard Sacks, Host